Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 14- We're Coming to America, Today!

Flights, flights, and more flights!
Cartoons helping time pass...

See the sign- Welcome home- back in the USA- hooray!!!

More flying....

Coming through customs, Luke is now a US citizen.

After 17 hours of flights, layovers, prayers, ritz crackers, airport food,  and more prayers, WE ARE HOME!!!!!!!!

The Perry's.... Party of 6!


  1. Praising God with joyful tears!!! Can't wait to see everyone together!!
    Rest when Luke does!!! Jet lag will take the same time to recover as you were in China. Give yourself 2 weeks. Gradually get the 3 of you on TN time!!!
    Post more pics when you can!!! Hoping we make it that way for Thanksgiving!!!

  2. Praise Jesus!!!!!!!! Welcome home guys, welcome home. Have fun settling in. We'll see you guys after y'all get some rest. Text me if you need anything.
