Saturday, August 6, 2016

Artwork and cute sayings from your 1st week of PreK

You did a great job on your artwork. When I went to pick you up onThursday, your teacher had put up artwork in the hallway. 

On Tuesday of this week, Ms. Jennifer told me that the principal came in to introduce herself- but as she entered you said to her, "Me Luke Perry, what's you name?" She immediately fell in love with you. 

Also this week one day when I picked you up from school, you got into the van and I buckled you. As I was getting in to drive you asked me, "me go to prek, now go to kindergarten?" You thought that you were done, you've "done" prek and ready to move on to kindergarten. I love your enthusiasm and excitement for school and for life! Love you bunches, doodles! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Your 1st day of PreK (Whitehall Elementary) Tues., Aug. 2nd

You and Alaina before leaving for school.

You were so excited and happy for big boy school.

I'm so excited but praying so hard for your precious little self! I'm praying you learn and grow and allow others to teach you. I pray you will know in your heart how deeply loved you are by us and by your Heavenly Father. 

About to go into class!

You seeing your teacher, Ms. Jennifer, and your classroom for the first time. 

When I picked you up from school she said you had a really good first day. At one point during the day she said the principal came in to introduce herself. When she came in you said to her, "I'm Luke Perry, what's your name?" She said they fell in love with you! I knew they would you are our precious little fella!

You fell asleep in the van tonight coming home, it was 7:30. You had a big first day of school and have made your mommy and daddy so proud! You are a gift, Son. We are honored God chose us to be your parents!