Friday, July 1, 2016

Sweet sayings by you these days...

1) At Kroger the other day you said, "Mom, help me," as you tried to open goldfish. I encouraged you to open them yourself and you said, "but Ma, I'm a little guy!" You melted my heart.

2) When I'm holding you or playing with you in our neighborhood swimming pool, you call me- "hey, you cutie pie!" Luke, you know how to charm your Mommy. 

3)When you speak to one of us you will say, "ok, got it?".... and you give us a thumbs up!

You also love to sit with Alaina after her softball games (during team meetings).


  1. I am dying! Miss this little guy! How I wish he could come to "Star's house!"

  2. Me too!! All of us Perry's wish we could, "go Ms. Star's house!"
