Thursday, October 13, 2016

Happy 3 YEAR Gotcha day, little buddy!

3 years ago today, our lives and yours joined together.. and God has been at work on all of us, showing us all how to love and to live in a way that's much greater than we can do on our own.  It has taken each of us trusting and living in a way that only He can supply us with.. Praise be to God for "choosing us," all 6 of us to be a family!  May we honor Him and give Him glory for the good things He has done, and continues to do!

Love you, Luke!!!
Mommy and Daddy
My sweet doodles...

Hiking on our trip to the mountains..

Monday, October 10, 2016

... 3 years ago today

Daddy and I boarded a plane and flew to China, after 22 months of praying and working to bring you home. You were just days from being forever ours, but on this day as we traveled you had no idea how much your life was about to change.,. to be honest, I don't think at the time I had any idea either. I had no idea the fear, sadness and anxious little fella that was about to enter my life. I had no idea that every ounce of love and trust that you would accept over these (almost three years) would be so incredibly worked for.. I had no idea the amazing, beautiful,  strong, fun, little guy that I get to call son, would finally let me in.. let us in, into that vulnerable place that felt so scary, your heart! But, you have, you have cautiously let us into that sacred place of pain, your heart~ and you have allowed us to love you and you now eagerly love us back. It seems that you really, really GET family now... and oh, little buddy, you have one and we love you so BIG! 

You have almost been with us half as long as you were without us. I'm so grateful as I reflect on the me of three years ago, to the Mommy I am today. God has done a work, in both dad and I... But also in you and in your sisters. He has intricately woven us together in a way like only our Heavenly Father can. Luke, as I have prayed and continue to pray it has been that God would use your heart condition to redeem your soul.. I pray, as you look and see the details and milestones in your life that you will see Jesus, and His amazing love for you and Sovereign plan for your life.. Thankful tonight that you accept and give 
love! Praying you accept and trust the perfect love of our sweet Savior, Jesus! 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

HaPpY 6TH BiRtHdAy, sweet boy! We love you, Luke!

Today started with meeting a few friends and Mimi at Chickfila for a birthday breakfast. Josiah and Jaeden Hughes met us for breakfast. You had the best time playing with them and your sisters. 

You also love donuts, so we picked up birthday sprinkled donuts to enjoy with Chickfila!

Your sisters love you SOOO much, Luke!

Alaina helped you put together your Lego toys the Hughes' gave you.

Mimi came to help celebrate you!

Parker George joined us for birthday fun as well!

Watching Alaina's softball game

Alaina's coach celebrated your birthday along with another girl who plays on Alaina's team. It was so sweet!

After softball we came home and began preparing for your evening dinner and birthday party! You wanted an airplane cake so Maddie found an airplane from your room and we made it work for your birthday cookie! Yay, to Maddie!

The girls got you some dress up costumes~ Iron-man and a pirate one. 

Enjoying your birthday.. tomorrow we go to celebrate with more family! Luke, you are so loved and cared for. I'm so grateful that God chose me to be your Mommy. It's a true privilege! 

Celebrating you at Grammy and Poppa's!

We celebrated you and Owen's birthday today. Your birthday is Oct.1 and Owen's is Oct. 3.. what handsome, kind fellas you both are!

As I reflect on your amazing little self, I pray, Luke, that you will know, accept and trust wholeheartedly the Heavenly Father who Sovreignly chose to bring you to us! May you know and trust Him.. May this psalm be true words from you one day...

I give thanks to God, for you, my son!
Happy 6th birthday- love you, Mom

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

My prayer for you and your sisters...

I pray you each know that He will be with you to walk with you through every step of your life. Trust Him, know Him and cling to Him~ for it all! 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Artwork and cute sayings from your 1st week of PreK

You did a great job on your artwork. When I went to pick you up onThursday, your teacher had put up artwork in the hallway. 

On Tuesday of this week, Ms. Jennifer told me that the principal came in to introduce herself- but as she entered you said to her, "Me Luke Perry, what's you name?" She immediately fell in love with you. 

Also this week one day when I picked you up from school, you got into the van and I buckled you. As I was getting in to drive you asked me, "me go to prek, now go to kindergarten?" You thought that you were done, you've "done" prek and ready to move on to kindergarten. I love your enthusiasm and excitement for school and for life! Love you bunches, doodles! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Your 1st day of PreK (Whitehall Elementary) Tues., Aug. 2nd

You and Alaina before leaving for school.

You were so excited and happy for big boy school.

I'm so excited but praying so hard for your precious little self! I'm praying you learn and grow and allow others to teach you. I pray you will know in your heart how deeply loved you are by us and by your Heavenly Father. 

About to go into class!

You seeing your teacher, Ms. Jennifer, and your classroom for the first time. 

When I picked you up from school she said you had a really good first day. At one point during the day she said the principal came in to introduce herself. When she came in you said to her, "I'm Luke Perry, what's your name?" She said they fell in love with you! I knew they would you are our precious little fella!

You fell asleep in the van tonight coming home, it was 7:30. You had a big first day of school and have made your mommy and daddy so proud! You are a gift, Son. We are honored God chose us to be your parents! 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Sweet sayings by you these days...

1) At Kroger the other day you said, "Mom, help me," as you tried to open goldfish. I encouraged you to open them yourself and you said, "but Ma, I'm a little guy!" You melted my heart.

2) When I'm holding you or playing with you in our neighborhood swimming pool, you call me- "hey, you cutie pie!" Luke, you know how to charm your Mommy. 

3)When you speak to one of us you will say, "ok, got it?".... and you give us a thumbs up!

You also love to sit with Alaina after her softball games (during team meetings).

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day~ 5/8/2016

Pics at home before leaving... I'm so grateful to God our Father for choosing me to mother you four kiddos. Each of you are such a joy to my heart and life!

With Grammy and Mimi after church. 

I love my Momma! She joined us for church today. 

Daddy and Mimi... We are so fortunate that our moms are such special, loving grandmothers to you children. They are crazy about you!

Ms. Kristie sent these pictures. Today is Annie Kate's first Mother's Day with her mommy! She was dedicated at their church today. What a beautiful blessing the both of you are- and your siblings!
You love her so much.. You call her "Annie Tate.".. it's so cute! 

God does give us the desires of our hearts- after all He puts them there to begin with- the one desire I've always had is to be a wife and mom... oh, how sweet it is, I am! 
Love you, "Doodles"-

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter, 2016

God provided our beautiful tulips to enjoy this Easter Sunday! Praise be to Him-He's alive and we have the privilege of having His Spirit with us at all times! Hallelujah!!

Easter goodies....

Pics before church- praise be to Him for the goodness He has provided through Jesus!

Mimi and Bobby joined us for our Easter service at church this morning! 

Easter egg hunting at Grammy and Poppa's
Oh what fun you had!