Sunday, December 22, 2013

Bless All The Dear Children in Thy Tender Care

For ten weeks I have rocked our son to sleep at night.  In the first days it was with much excitement- and nervousness about if he would accept me.  Other times, it's been nights of anticipating bedtime because I've been so exhausted from all of the care taking and our family's new normal.  But then there have been other nights, tonight being one of them, when it's such a spiritual occurrence.  You see, tonight as we've just gotten home from a wonderful weekend of celebrating Christmas with the Perry's, my mind and heart (while singing and rocking) is on Christmas... the true significance and rescuing that has truly taken place.  

As I sang a Christmas song (Away In A Manger) to Luke rocking him to sleep, I heard the words like I don't ever remember hearing:
"Bless all the dear children in thy tender care".....

I started thinking about Luke's birth mother and who she might be- and if she will ever hear, or be told about Jesus.  I became so overwhelmed with gratitude for the choices made that brought him to a safe place where an orphanage cared for our son and how God has not only rescued Luke from a life as an orphan but that He has so generously rescued Craig and I- twice!  We were rescued when the Holy Spirit drew us to Himself- and the second was when He rescued us by showing us that this life and our world is so much bigger than chasing the American dream.  Craig reminded me today traveling that each day as we parent our son and daughters- God is slowly rescuing, refining, and sanctifying us.  Praise God, DAILY He reminds us that we cannot love and give our children- who He has placed "in our tender care," any earthly satisfying blessing that can touch His AmAziNg love for them.  The greatest gift we can give them is a life that reflects our love for the Lord.

We have been told on more than one occasion how blessed or lucky Luke is for being rescued- but actually God has used this adorable little guy to rescue us... from our own agendas and ideas of Christianity to a daily dependence on Him- for it ALL!  

..."fit us for Heaven to live with thee there."

As Craig and I think about Christmas and this year- 2013, we are so grateful for not only Jesus birth, but His death which redeemed us and adopted us into the family of our King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

(Luke holding my hand sleeping... his comfort in the car.  Maddie captured this photo while traveling)!


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