Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Luke's follow-up cardio appt. today!

We completed another day of testing at Vanderbilt.  A doppler ultrasound was completed to look at the thrill in Luke's neck.  It was checking for blockage in the carotid artery.  After Luke's doctor and radiologist had the opportunity to review results they together feel that a CT/angiogram is needed to get complete confirmation of what appeared from today's ultrasound.  (It appears to be a fistula)..   It appears that the artery (that carries blood to the brain) and a small vessel (that carries blood back to the heart) may be joined.  They need to be separate.  We are waiting to be contacted for an appt time.  We should know within 1-2 days.  We should be able to have the scan and results within 1-2 weeks.  Selfishly, I'm praying it happens before the Thanksgiving holiday.  I would like to enjoy Thanksgiving with this behind us and to just know what is ahead of us.  However, Craig and I know that God has all of this with Luke in His hands.  

It's our preference to have this sooner than later- but ultimately, God has shown Himself to us through each step of getting Luke.  From March 4th, the day we were able to first see Luke and his referral information- He orchestrated the events of the last 7+ months to get him home-- and just today at Vanderbilt God reminded me of how generous He can be with His love.  

When we got to the room for the radiologist to do the ultrasound- I noticed the lady was Asian.  She asked where Luke was from, and I told her China.  She said she too was from China- a Han Chinese (and so is Luke).  She spoke Mandarin (as does Luke) and talked with him several times during the testing.  It was soooo very sweet to see that God placed a lady in Luke's path today that could offer him something I could not, the comfort of familiarity at a time when so many things in his little life are not!  It was a beautiful thing to watch.  It was obvious that he was listening to her.  What a bLeSsiNg!  

This was just a small-- yet big reminder that God's ways are higher than ours.  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8, 9 NIV). 

So thankful that our One True God is too big to understand- that His plans are too great for us to see at all at once-- which leads us into trust and greater faith in Him.  Praise be to Him!

Getting ready for his appointment... the backpack is almost bigger than Luke.

Finally up and standing!

Please join us/continue to pray for Luke as we have several days ahead of us before we know what will need to be done for him.

He did really well in the car seat today, and in this picture getting sleepy... we are making progress with the car seat, hooray ;)

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