Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Happy 2yrs with YOU!!

Two years ago today we met you for the very first time... some in the adoption community call it their "gotcha"day or "forever family" day.  I'm choosing today for it to be the day you, my son, made me a mommy for the 4th time! Adoption is hard and beautiful all intertwined with lots of love, mercy and grace.  I'm daily reminded of the lavish love and grace so freely given to me~ as I mother my children and see my own brokenness the Father chooses to heal... through His perfect love, grace and mercy!

The first few days of being with you...
... Pics of you with us last week, on your birthday!

Luke, you have a smile that melts my heart, a laugh that brings tears to my eyes, and enthusiasm that competes with that of your dads.. The two of you have something unique in common.. you love life, a challenge and trying it with all of your self! 

Two years ago tonight I tucked you into bed for the very first time... Here's a pic of you tonight, precious boy!

Your bedtime routine right now is for me to rock you, to sing Jesus Loves Me (with you starting it), and then climbing into bed. I usually sit for about 10 minutes as you settle in and go to sleep. I pray for you, Luke. I pray you love and accept God's love. I pray your little heart and sadness that you struggle with will become whole again., that God will be the great physician in your life that restores you to Himself and that you know His love and ours, your mom and dad who deeply, deeply love you!

Your 1st trip to the zoo~ boy was it fun!

Posing before going into the zoo... This just might be the last time you all want to go together!
Looking at the Penguins- it was really cold in there
Rachel waiting in line
You daddy were splashed by penguins. You cried until they splashed dad and then you giggled!

Oct.1, 2015~ it's your birthday!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Your 1st day at Playschool, 2015 (3/4 yr old class)

I pray as you grow and learn, that you will become strong in your knowledge and love for the Lord. He cares so much for you.  
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.”
Ephesians 6:10 ESV

Your teacher, Ms. Debbie Gomez, said you had a wonderful first day. We love you so much, Luke!  I'm so thankful you have a fun place to go and learn while playing and hearing about Jesus!  You're becoming such a sweet , big boy!

Love you,

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

21 Months a Perry

21 months ago today, daddy and I stood in an old, gray building filled with smoke (people in China still smoke in public places).  There were beautiful Asian people who slowly came in as it was time to begin your adoption.  We, along with you being passed back and forth between us, were anxiously waiting to make Wu Yuanhong our son, Luke O'Neil Perry.  

Today it's a warm summer day and you woke up and played and watched cartoons.. while your sisters spent a lazy morning watching tv in their beds.  You ate breakfast and had an uneventful, relaxing day...thankful for you today and the privilege of being your Mom and the girls.. You four are such blessings to me. Love you, son!